WebSockets - Changelog

v1 – 07/10/2019

  • Two new query parameters have been introduced in the connection string to identify the partners to which an account relates. These headers are used to ensure that merchant's integrations get attributed to the correct Paymentsense partners, so it's crucial that they are set correctly. The values will be provided by Paymentsense. They are:
    • software-house-id - Identifies the EPoS company whose software is generating the request. This value should not be configurable as it will remain the same for all customers using one company's software.
    • installer-id - Identifiers the installer of the EPoS. This may be the same as the software-house-id if they are also the installer. If your EPoS can be installed by resellers, they will be provided with a separate id. The value should be configurable in your EPoS so it can be correctly set on installation.



  • Added amountCashback to the Perform Transaction request params to allow cashback to be added via the API.
  • Added cardholderNotPresent to the Perform Transaction request params to allow CNP transactions (Sales and refunds only) to be initiated directly.
  • Added preAuth and completion as Perform Transaction methods. A completion transaction requires an authCode in the transaction request.
  • Added accountVerification as a transaction type. This can be used to check if a card is valid and is equivalent to a zero value sale.
  • Added the following terminal notifications:


  • Renamed tpi to tid across all messages.
  • The terminalsDetails method is now terminalDetails and takes a single TID for which to return details, rather than a list.
  • The cancelTransaction method now returns cancelling instead of cancelled in its response. This to emphasize that this is not guaranteed and that the response to the Perform Transaction request should be relied upon as usual for the transaction outcome.


  • Terminal capabilities are no longer returned as part of the response to connectedTerminals or terminalDetails requests.



  • Added finalPOSReceiptRequest which requests a final POS receipt to be printed following any payments. The response to this follows the same format as for a posReceiptRequest. It is only requested if final-pos-receipt is sent as a query parameter in the connection string.


  • Renamed tpi to tid across all messages.


  • The following parameters have been removed from the transactionResponse params:
    • merchantAddress
    • merchantId
    • merchantName