Invoking Scenarios

Time Out

  • Card left inserted for too long

  1. Start a transaction.
  2. Using a chip card, proceed with the transaction normally.
  3. Leave the card inserted when the terminal prompts for removal after the transaction goes through.
  4. After 200 seconds, or as soon as the PDQ comes back online, Connect will mark the transaction as finished with a "TIMED_OUT" result and it will send a "TRANSACTION_FINISHED" notification.
  5. The card can then be removed and the transaction on the PDQ should complete. Connect won't reflect this.
  • PDQ restarted mid transaction

  1. Start a transaction.
  2. Using a chip card, proceed with the transaction but restart the PDQ at some point during the process.
  3. After 200 seconds, or as soon as the PDQ comes back online, Connect will mark the transaction as finished with a "TIMED_OUT" result and it will send a "TRANSACTION_FINISHED" notification.

Signature Verification

  • Card inserted incorrectly

  1. Start a sale transaction.
  2. From the 'Present Card' screen, insert a test card incorrectly.
  3. Repeat the above step twice more until the PDQ shows the 'Insert/Swipe Card' screen.
  4. Swipe the test card to invoke a signature transaction.
  • Refund

  1. Carry out a refund transaction with a chip and pin card.
  2. Insert the test card to invoke a signature transaction.

CP (Customer Present)

  1. Start a transaction.
  2. From the 'Present Card' screen, press the MENU button on the PDQ.
  3. Enter the 16 digit PAN (Primary Account Number) of a Test Card.
  4. Enter the expiry date of a Test Card in the format MMYY.
  5. Press F4 - YES to invoke a Customer Present transaction.

CNP (Customer Not Present)

  1. Start a transaction.
  2. From the 'Present Card' screen, press the MENU button on the PDQ.
  3. Enter the 16 digit PAN (Primary Account Number) of a Test Card.
  4. Enter the expiry date of a Test Card in the format MMYY.
  5. Press F1 - NO to invoke a Customer Not Present transaction.
  6. Enter the 3 digit CSC (Card Security Code) of a Test Card.
  7. Enter any value for the Postcode Nums.
  8. Enter any value for the Address Nums to complete the Customer Not Present Transaction.

Mocked transaction responses (Dojo Terminals)

The mocked result of the transaction is based on the amount entered, i.e. entering the amount on the left will result on the transaction result on the right.
Amount Transaction result
£32.23 Declined
£42.24 Requires card inserted
£56.65 Requires Signature
£67.76 AG timeout
£12.98 AG error
Any other amount Approved


  1. Follow the above steps to invoke a CP transaction using details for Virtual Test Card #2.
  2. When the PDQ prompts for Cashback, enter any amount and press ENTER.
  3. The transaction will now receive a Declined response.