REST - Getting Started

Requirements for interacting with Connect

  • Content-Type header
  • Accept header (API version)
  • Authorization header
  • Software-House-Id and Installer-Id headers
  • Host address

Content-Type header

All requests sent to Connect are expected to have the Content-Type HTTP header set to:

  • application/json

More information can be found at:

Accept header (API version)

When communicating with Connect, an Accept request HTTP header specifying the desired major version of Connect should be included.
This ensures that requests coming from a specific EPoS system are always answered in a compatible way.
More information can be found at:

Currently, these versions of Connect can be requested:

  • application/connect.v2+json
  • application/connect.v1+json
  • application/connect.v0+json

When developing or updating your integration, you should always explicitly request the API version you're working with. It's strongly recommended to always use the latest version of our API.

Authorization header

We provide each customer site with an API key to authorize their requests to Connect. Request headers should use Basic Authorization providing the API key as the password with any Username value. We recommend setting the username as an EPoS identifier.

Software-House-Id and Installer-Id headers

We will provide you with these Ids which should be sent in the Software-House-Id and Installer-Id headers on every request.

  • Software-House-Id - Identifies the EPoS company whose software is generating the request. This value should not be configurable as it will remain the same for all customers using one company's software. The value will be provided by Paymentsense.
  • Installer-Id - Identifiers the installer of the EPoS. This may be the same as the Software-House-Id if they are also the installer. If your EPoS can be installed by resellers, they will be provided with a separate id. The value should be configurable in your EPoS so it can be correctly set on installation.

These headers are used to ensure that merchant's integrations get attributed to the correct Paymentsense partners, so it's crucial that they are set correctly.

Host address

The host is unique for each customer site, or your test environment. This will be provided to you for each merchant.

Next Steps

Once you've got started with the REST connection, you're ready to start familiarising yourself with the PAC Transaction Flow.